Zal Beneath Rudaba’s Balcony
Iran, Qazvin; 1576-1577
The David Collection, 99/2006
On his travels to Kabul, Zal meets the divinely beautiful Rudaba, daughter of King Mihrab. Their young hearts begin to sing sweetly, and at a sign from the princess, Zal swings up to her room on his lasso. But their love is not made easy. Mihrab is a descendant of the evil Zahhak, and both Zal and Rudaba must engage in endless negotiations with their families before a wedding can finally be arranged.
On the right side of the painting is Zal on his horse, preparing to throw his lasso. Rudaba looks down from the palace’s roof terrace, reaching out her henna-stained hand.
Inv. no. 99/2006